Director Marketing and Communications at UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Candidate) From The University of Hong Kong

UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering

Director Marketing and Communications
February 2012 - Present
(13 Years and 2 Months)

University of Florida College of Medicine

Director, Outreach and Communications
February 2008 - September 2011
(3 Years and 8 Months)
December 2002 - February 2003
(3 Months)

Chinadotcom Corp

Director Marketing and PR
February 2000 - November 2002
(2 Years and 10 Months)

Young & Rubicam

Group Account Director
April 1999 - January 2000
(10 Months)

DDB Asia

Regional Account Director
November 1996 - March 1999
(2 Years and 5 Months)

EURO RSCG Asia Pacific

Regional Account Director
April 1993 - March 1996
(2 Years and 12 Months)
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The University of Hong Kong

Social Work and Social Administration
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Candidate)
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National University of Singapore

Sociology and Chinese Study (Major), Economics and English (Minor)
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)